How to start?
After you download and install Insta Media Gallery package on your website, you have to decide how to obtain Instagram Access Token.
You have these options:
1. Get access token using Facebook App:
- Easiest and recommended method.
- Some API limits are shared between all app users (but those limits scale linear with each connected user and I have built-in some safeguards into package).
Get access token using Facebook App
2. Get access token using your own custom Facebook App:
- More complicated setup.
- You have full control over generating access tokens and API limits.
- You are independent of health/status of my personal Facebook account (in case it was blocked/banned etc.).
- Your app can be run in perpetual development mode (you don't have to submit app for review).
- Although you can fetch Media from your @profile without submitting app for review, fetching media by #hashtag requires you to submit your real business information to Facebook.